Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fran's Dog Stanley

Fran's Dog Stanley

Dedicated to all faithful dogs - alive or dead

Fran's apartment house looks down on a large cemetery.  It's now a park with graves still in it & people can walk past the graves.  When Fran takes him for a walk in the evening to pee, he always makes for the same grave.  Unhappily I can't think of a natural explanation for this behavior, so let's make up an esoteric one.  Here is my suggestion:
Fran's dog Stanley seems to have a mystical awareness of anyone  called Stanley in the human sphere.  So, when he is taken for his walk in the cemetery, and wants to pee, he seems to have an affinity with another Stanley in that grave.  So he chooses that gravestone to relieve himself.  Perhaps the person "Stanley" buried there - instead of being offended by being pissed on by Fran's dog Stanley, feels himself in a grave position of gratitude to have a living dog relieve himself on his gravestone.  Which is the only way a dog, who lifts his leg and his penis like a gun, can express that he feels honored. 
   And now, Fran and her Dad, walking Stanley home from the graveyard, perhaps imagine this dog having a mystical understanding of the departed, and their need to be connected with the world of the living through the urination of a living dog.  

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